Tuesday 3 July 2007

Time for Tea

This came via Tim.

I've felt for years that we suffer from the loss of a sense of 'timeliness' - or at least its marginalisation, edged out by Ben Franklin's famous equation of time with money. Believe that and time becomes purely a matter of quantity, a currency to be exchanged.

For me, the qualities of time are important: apparently contradictory actions may be equally proper at their different occasions. Lose sight of this - of the incommensurability of what matters - and life becomes harshly impoverished.


Tim Hodgens said...


I'm not sure what the context was for Ben Franklin when he "coined" his famous statement that time is money... "Time = Money" .

But the power of those words / equation has been immense and in the long run destructive. It's power comes from the fertile ground of wanting more money and seeing that as a way "out." But the "out" is more a trap than a trapdoor to freedom.

I totally agree that the equation, by focusing our attention on the monetary value of time, ultimately marginalises the experience of the moment in time.


Nick Herman said...

"To spend two hours on a cup of tea is an act of resistance."
-Thich Nhat Hanh

Dougald Hine said...

Thanks, Nick - beautiful quote!

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